Not sure if becoming a microblade artist is right for you? The best way to find out, is to spend a day shadowing. You will get to see a day in the life of a microblade artist/studio owner. Come watch Megan work for the day and learn all there is to know with this exciting, ever evolving profession.
This shadowing can also be tailored to a new artist that needs a little more guidance to improve upon your skills. Each shadow day is completely customized based on your needs and goals.
A full day of shadowing includes watching Megan work on clients based off of what you want to see, links to all products she uses and where to buy, aftercare instructions and more! Lunch is also included.
Full Shadow Day is $500. A $100 deposit is required to reserve a shadowing date.
*Please note, shadowing does not include a model for the student to work on. Fill out enrollment form below with requested shadow dates.